Saturday, 16 April 2011

Links To Local Resources–-14-years-later

Profile of a Local Person

Jim Karyiagannis is the local MP and represents the Liberal Party of Canada.  Mr. Karyiagannis is running in the upcoming Federal Election. This will be the eighth time he is running and he has won seven times in a row. Scarborough Agincourt usually votes Liberal and it is hard to tell if it is because this is the preference of the voters or because Karyiagannis has become so well know in the neighborhood. He puts pamphlets and calendars in our mailbox frequently. You often see Mr. Kariagannis in the neighborhood, and in the Scarborough Mirror.  I have met him once and if you walk around Agincourt right now you will see his red liberal signs everywhere. If he wins this federal election in May he will beat Jerry Phillips record of being the longest standing politician in Scarborough, Agincourt.  Jim Karyagannis is a typical politician who is knocking on doors and he gets out to all of the people and encourages them to vote for him in the next election. He lives in the area and he is very motivated to win. Agincourt is a strong liberal riding both federal and provincially. 

Current New Stories

 Over the past 20 years there has been some huge major news stories that had happen at my very high school. A horrible story that all Canadians don’t like to think about is the serial killer Paul Bernardo. Back in the 80’s there was a criminal the police were trying to find by a series of rapes that were occurring in Scarborough. The police were on the hunt for a man labeled as the (Scarborough rapist). Bernardo molested a girl in the school yard of Agincourt collegiate. In the 90’s there was a more tragic event the Ottey sisters were tragically murdered in their house by a boyfriend. To this day the school held an Annual Walkathon to remember both of these sisters and everything they accomplished at the school. Recently there an article in the Toronto star about Rohan Ranger the murderer who maybe up for parole very soon. 
     Two news stories that affected me personally happened in September 2009 and in August2010. In September 2009 the school year came to a lousy start. There was a kid who was smashed in the back of the head with a bottle. The person student who got hit was targeted by three teens that were getting even with him. The victim was apparently knocked out for at least 10 min. After he awaked he went to a small school near Agincourt called one of the teachers to call the ambulance and the police. Later that day three teens were charged with assault.
In August 2010 a high school teacher was charged with 3 counts of sexual exploitation with a female student at Agincourt Collegiate. Although my school year had ended at this time, it still was very shocking for me and my friends to hear about this news.  It’s hard to believe that all of these major news stories were connected to my high school in one way or another.  On a lighter note Jim Carey a very famous Canadian actor went to Agincourt Collegiate. Anson Carter a NHL hockey player went to the high school and Jim Veltman former captain for “The Toronto Rock” Lacrosse Team still is a gym teacher at the school. There are several local news stories that have been really big stories and they have happened right smack in the middle of Agincourt. All three news stories have a connection with my high school.

Description of Local Problems and Issues

     One of the local problems in the area is that street lights are needed at Finch Avenue and Baylawn Dr.  There is a dangerous crossing where cars try to make left hand turns when trying to go west on Finch. There is usually a very high volume of traffic and there have been several accidents and several people injured while trying to cross the street and jay walk. Some community members are advocating having street lights put there because it is a safety issue.  The Agincourt area is a very diverse community..
     There have been incidents of serious crimes but these happened in the past. A horrible story that all Canadians don’t like to think about is the serial killer Paul Bernardo. Back in the 80’s there was a criminal the police were trying to find by a series of rapes that were occurring in Scarborough. The police were on the hunt for a man labeled as the (Scarborough rapist). Bernardo molested a girl in the school yard of Agincourt collegiate. In the 90’s there was a more tragic event the Ottey sisters were tragically murdered in their house by a boyfriend. To this day the school held an Annual Walkathon to remember both of these sisters and everything they accomplished at the school. Recently there an article in the Toronto star about Rohan Ranger the murderer who maybe up for parole very soon. 
     There issues and problems happened in the eighties and nineties so for the most part, Agincourt is a quiet nice neighborhood and is problem free at the moment and let’s hope it stays that way. Although Agincourt is located in the northern part of Scarborough which is considered a high crime area, but there isn’t a lot of crime in the area. 

Description of Local Attractions

     One of the attractions is Agincourt Mall situated at the corner of Kennedy &Sheppard area in Toronto. There is a lot of interesting stores at Agincourt Mall such a Wal-Mart, No Frills, Bulk Food Store,  if you need to shop for food as well as a Pet Store, As well is “ The Source (Bell )electronics, Fido, and Cellular Point if you need to buy a new phone. If you are interested in video games there is also a store named “Just Games” and it sells recent games and also sells used games the you can buy for a very cheap price. 
    The Agincourt Library is right behind the mall and there is also a Senior Citizens Home called Shepherd Village. It is a really good library.  Another attraction is the Agincourt Recreation Centre which located at 31 Glen Watford drive.  The Recreation Centre has an indoor rink that is open all year round as well as a pool and many rooms for community events. There are always tournaments taking place for young hockey players.  Actually the very first hockey team I played on was at this arena. Kids are also able to play house league hockey at Agincourt Lions Hockey League for a very low price. During the summer there are summer camps for children that offer a variety of different games for children. I did forty hours of community service work at the Agincourt Recreation Centre during the summer of 2006.
    Agincourt High School is located just north of Sheppard Ave on the east side of Midland Avenue and it is almost 100 years old. Right across the street from it is a Public school that everyone calls Little A.  My brother and I are both graduates of Agincourt Collegiate and we both played on the high school hockey team.

Brief Introduction of Agincourt, Ontario

Tools and Processes CO108
     My home town is Agincourt which is part of Scarborough and located in Toronto Ontario, Canada. It is situated in the northern part of Scarborough. The area known as Agincourt bounded by Sheppard Avenue on the South and Finch on the North and Markham Ave on the East and Kennedy on the West. Historically, the Old Agincourt community of was most know for the Agincourt Post Office. The village post office of Agincourt was opened in 1858 by John Hill.  Agincourt is most known for the battle in 1415, where the army of Henry V defeated the French that had a much bigger army.  The original country town of Agincourt that is today called “the old Agincourt area is at Midland Avenue and Sheppard Avenue Area.